SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 4 2021
19th February, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – Suffering is joy
‘Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you’ (1 Peter 4:12).
Peter’s letter was written to the poor, disenfranchised people to whom the gospel appealed. He exhorted them by saying, ‘Don’t be surprised at the troubles you are having’; don’t think that this is a strange situation that you are suffering. Don’t expect that doing good will give you an easy life of health and wealth. It may seem very strange to us that Peter is saying that they should be happy to be sharing in the suffering of Jesus. Doing God’s will is no guarantee that you won’t endure suffering. The Christians of Asia Minor were experiencing a test. Just as a fire purifies gold from contaminants, suffering strips away the externals. It reveals who we really are.
This passage from 1 Peter is not about ‘Why do good people suffer?’ It is a letter of encouragement, reassurance and hope for people suffering rejection because they follow Jesus.
Think of a time when you were really suffering. How did you respond? Did your prayer life improve? Did you come closer in your relationship with God? I know that this has been true for me.
If you are ridiculed for being a follower of Jesus, then do not be ashamed. It is not an insult, but a badge of honour. In today’s reading, Peter alludes to Jesus’ teachings in the Beatitudes discussed yesterday: ‘Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man’ (Luke 6:22). In the end, whose opinion will count?
Prayer Points
We ask for God’s continued protection through the pandemic that he may keep us all safe and healthy
We thank God for the 2021 student leaders who were installed last week
We give thanks for the work of the school council, that they support and guide the school with wisdom and compassion
We pray for the Bui, Cheng and Cinzah families
Micah Award
To Huai Pui for showing love and compassion to those around her
From the Principal
From the Principal
It was an honour to announce and formally induct our Student Leadership Team into their roles during Monday morning worship in Week 3. The students were reminded of the importance of servant leadership. Our role model is Jesus, who came into the world to serve, not to be served. We look forward to the student leadership team undertaking their roles this year as they serve the students and school community of Sunshine Christian School. Congratulations to Amalie and Kungthang (School Captains), Allan and Eunice (Sports Captains), Sarah and Huai Pui (Peer Mediation Coordinators) and Naomi, Joyce, Bawi, Daniella and Thomas (SRC representatives).

What we are Learning
Prep / 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are talking about rhyming words. You can help by asking us what words rhyme with ‘cat’ and ‘car’.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning about the connection between addition and subtraction, for example 20+15=35 15+20=35 35-20=15
35-15=20 35=20+15
You can help your child by solving number sentences together.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about place value. We have been learning how to determine which numbers are greater than, less than or equal to. You can ask us about how to use the symbols: < > and =.

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom, we began our book study on ‘The Dog Runner’. You can ask us about some of the main characters we’ve met.
