SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6
23rd August, 2019
Front Page
Devotion - Grace rules!
It is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ. Romans 5: 17
Chaos theory states that the gentle fluttering of butterfly wings on one side of the world can magnify to a tornado on the other side of the world. True or not, all actions have consequences, and not always ones you can predict.
When Adam sinned, he knew that his disobedience would lead to death. He probably did not realise his sin would result in your death and the deaths of all people. His sin also means a spiritual death for you, because you are born incapable of living a sinless life. What a vicious cycle! A butterfly flutter gone crazy. Yet Christ broke that cycle with his death and resurrection. Through Jesus’ actions, spiritual death is destroyed and believers are justified, forgiven. Pure in his sight. For it is true that ‘all who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ’ (verse 17b).
You took away the burden of death from your people, Lord, and broke the cycle of sin. Keep me close to you, so that I may remain pure in your sight. Amen.
by Kathy Hoopman, in ‘Renewed Hope for each Day’ (LCA, Openbook, 2000)
Prayer Points
We pray for Sinuso and her family as they relocate to a new home and school
We praise God for wonderful opportunities to learn through the guest speakers and incursions we have had recently
We thank God for the helpers who made our Athletics Day a wonderful success
We pray for the Phan , Phu and Reng Thlang families
Micah Award
To Naomi for showing compassion and love to her classmates
To Allan for displaying quality in his endeavor to his best work
From the Principal
In the previous newsletter I wrote about the values we as a Lutheran School believe are important lifelong qualities for all our community members. Can you recall the 10 values? If not, here is a reminder: love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, courage, humility, hope, quality and appreciation.
This week and in subsequent newsletters, I would like to delve deeper into each value so that we can have a richer understanding of what each value means and what it may look like at Sunshine Christian School. The first quality I would like to address is hope.
Hope: some synonyms of hope include expectation, confidence, trust in, faith in, anticipation, look forward to, expect, desire, aspire and optimism.
Hope enables us to look forward with expectation and confidence. Hope places our trust and faith in God to provide for all of the things we need to handle every kind of situation and event. Hope is open to all possibilities and not limited by what we might wish for. Hope allows God to define our lives. Therefore we appreciate that all interactions are opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work and we actively seek to develop our personal resilience.
‘Jesus called out to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am here!”’ (John 6:20)
Recently we have introduced a prayer table which is located between the Prep/1 and 3/4 classrooms. The prayer table gives students the opportunity to write prayers on the paper provided. The prayers are collected weekly, and the staff then pray for the students at our Friday staff devotion. The prayers are also collated so that the student leaders can pray the student prayers during Whole School Worship on Monday morning.
Parents and friends are also invited and encouraged to use the prayer box. Please feel free to fill in any prayer requests and post them in the box. The staff and students look forward to supporting you through prayer.
Mr Damian Pietsch
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are learning to listen to the EXACT instruction we are given instead of only part of an instruction.
You can help at home by asking us to do something specific to see if we listened properly.
Year 1/2
In the Year 1/2 classroom, we are learning about Coding. We use Beebots and Probots to learn and deliver this skill. Ask your child what coding is. How do we write algorithms? Have a conversation with your child about these great learning tools!
Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning how to read analogue and digital time. We can also convert between the two. Ask us to read the time off the clock at home!
Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been learning about the Eureka Stockade and the Gold Rush. Ask us to share some facts we have been learning with you!
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