SCS Newsletter Term 2 Week 2 2021
30th April, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – Sleep well
As I read through Psalm 4, I get a distinct impression that King David has not been sleeping well.
Maybe he is like I get sometimes. I’m so tired that falling asleep in the recliner seems like a foregone conclusion, but when I crawl between the covers to go to sleep, my brain wakes up. For some reason, all tiredness has left, and I can only think about the things that have stumped me during the day.
It sounds like Psalm 4. King David arose from lying on his royal sofa, went to bed, searched his heart and found a lot of noise.
‘Many, Lord, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?”’ (verse 6a).
Was he frustrated with his people? Was he angry with their doubt? Was he tired of his people ‘loving delusion [things that are worthless] and seeking lies?’ (verse 2).
Are you like this? Do you replay the day and all the frustrations and people who have angered you, and it keeps you awake?
Maybe our pathway to a peaceful sleep is a journey through the joy in God’s heart. God has set the faithful people apart for himself. He listens to us, and we trust him because he keeps his promises, and he allows us to live in safety.
At the end of the day, aren’t these the things that we most long for to settle our minds?
What kinds of things do you think about as you prepare for sleep? How do you find a peaceful mind and soul?
Prayer Points
We pray for a wonderful term of learning and of sharing the love of God
We give thanks for the dedication and wisdom of our School Council who continue to guide and care for the school
Help us find peace even in the midst of chaos. Help us not to be afraid, because we know God is in control of our lives
We pray for the Khaimi, Khi Thie and Kuihon families
Micah Award
To Joseph for showing love and service to his classmates.

From the Principal
NAPLAN Testing
During Week 4, the Year 3 and Year 5 students will be undertaking the annual NAPLAN tests. Due to the COVID pandemic last year, NAPLAN tests were not conducted. Sunshine Christian School students will be completing the NAPLAN tests online this year, just as they did in 2019. Students in both year levels undertake assessments in numeracy, reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, vocabulary and grammar).
While NAPLAN is an important means for the government to assess the students and is a valuable resource for the teachers, we need to remember that it is only a snapshot of what the students know and understand in specific tested areas at a specific time. The teachers at our school work diligently throughout the year to support the students, and they know each student’s gifts and abilities far more intimately than the representation of a single test result. The NAPLAN test does not understand each student or the particular needs of each student; nor does it highlight the many diverse, God-given gifts and skills which each of the students possess. Therefore, it should in no way be used to assess the value of our students. We are proud of every student that is a part of our community and we wish them God’s blessings and success in everything they do.
NAPLAN Breakfast
We are pleased to announce that the Student Council’s initiative to provide breakfast for the Year 3 and 5 students on the days they are undertaking NAPLAN tests will continue this year. The dedicated members of the student council will organize a healthy breakfast and serve the breakfast to the Year 3 and 5 students before school. This will help ensure the students are at their prime during the test period. They will also provide some healthy vegetable snacks as brain food for the students. We thank the SRC for their kindness, thoughtfulness and service to others.
All Year 3 and 5 students are invited to attend the breakfast on Tuesday 11 May, Wednesday 12 May and Friday 14 May from 8.15am.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are building hand strength when we do Fine Motor craft.
Encourage us to cut, draw, colour and make things at home to help us have better control when using our hands.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we have been learning about multiplication and how to demonstrate this operation using arrays and repeated addition.
Ask us how we do arrays and create multiplication number sentences.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about the topography of Africa.
Ask us what that word means and we can describe some of the things we know about the continent of Africa.

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have started a new unit on ‘The Gold Rush’. We have learnt a little bit of background information as we prepare to go to Sovereign Hill later in the term. Ask us about our research task that we have started.
