SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 10
18th September, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – Love like Jesus
‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). What’s the thing I love most about following Jesus? That there is no-one else like him. What’s the thing I find hardest about following Jesus? That there is no-one else like him. No-one else loves us as Jesus loves us – unconditionally, graciously and constantly. But then Jesus goes and asks me, asks us, to do the same – to love unconditionally, graciously and constantly. It’s why we can say both ‘I am simply a forgiven sinner’ and ‘I shine Christ’s light into the darkness’. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world, to be salt, light, and a city on a hill. And if you ever want to stand out, if you ever want to be remarkable, if you ever want to have everyone look at you, then there is simply one thing to do: Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. It’s what Jesus did when he went to the cross. And it is Jesus, in us, who helps us do it. And it is because we are God’s children that we can do it. Let’s love our enemies, as hard as it may be, just as Christ loves us. Heavenly Father, I find it hard to love my enemies. It’s hard enough sometimes to love my own family, friends, and others. Yet, you call me to follow you, to do what you do, to live how you lived – and still live. You ask me to do it because you have made me in your image, placed Christ in me, and given me your Holy Spirit. Help me to live according to who I truly am – as your child. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give praise to God for guiding and protecting us through this term
We pray that all our community may have a restful holiday and remain safe and healthy
We ask God to bless and give encouragement to all the healthcare workers who continue to fight to protect us against the coronavirus
We pray for the Phan, Phu and Rengthlang families
Micah Award
To Ruby for demonstrating quality in her work and service to others

To Jensen for demonstrating quality and courage in completing his work

From the Principal
We have come to the end of a very different and very difficult term.
The Victorian Premier, Mr Andrews, recently gave us a glimmer of hope that we may be able to begin the return to on site learning. He stated that all students will continue to learn from home in the week beginning 5 October (Week 1 of Term 4). He also stated that students from P–2 will be returning to onsite learning from Monday 12 October, while students from Year 3 – 10 will continue to learn at home. In light of this announcement, and due to the structure of our composite classes, applying this to our context means that the Prep/1 class will return to on site learning on Monday 12 October while all other classes continue remote learning. We hope to be able to welcome the remaining classes back to on site learning from 26 October; however, this is subject to further government announcements. This is welcome news for our school community and the staff look forward to having students on site next term.
As restrictions slowly begin to ease, some of our parents may return to work as essential workers. If this is the case, there remain strict protocols about sending your children to school. If you believe you need to send your child/ren to school because you are an essential worker, please contact the school as soon as possible to see if you are eligible.
Term 3 has been a very challenging and tiring term to navigate for our students, teachers and parents. The upcoming holiday period is very welcome and needed. The school wishes all members of our community a very restful and relaxing holiday. We hope you continue to remain safe, and find time to recharge, so that we can be ready for Term 4. May God continue to give you strength, peace and the hope of better times ahead.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we have been using our imaginations to create stories.
Encourage us to verbally share made up stories with you. This really helps us when we need to write it down.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning how to order small collections of Australian coins and Yr 3 students are learning about measuring area and capacity. You can help by doing the above activities together with us.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about Sustainability. We have learned how to take care of our forests, fish and even save water! You can help us to come up with some ways to save water at home!

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been reflecting on our term of remote learning.
You can help us with this by asking us about some of the things that we enjoyed during home learning.