SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 2
24th July, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – Philos: friend
‘I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you’ (John 15:15).
I’m drawn to the words of columnist Doug Larson: ‘A true friend overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes’.
A friend doesn’t just love you: a friend actually likes you. A friend doesn’t endure you: a friend desires to be in your presence. A friend doesn’t bring performance pressure: a friend empowers you to freely be yourself. A friend doesn’t love you for who you will become: a friend loves you for who you are today.
Authentic friendship means being so vulnerable that you give the other person enough ammunition to annihilate you, trusting that they won’t.
It’s almost inconceivable, then, that Jesus, the King of Kings, calls us his friend. But it’s true. We do not need to earn his friendship, and there is nothing we can do to lose it. Quite simply, we are friends with the king! This means we are highly favoured and given special honour. This means you are highly favoured and given special honour. You are invited to come just as you are into Jesus’ presence, where you are empowered to freely be yourself.
Nothing can separate us from the loving, healing and sovereign presence of our friend, Jesus. He loved us before we were loveable. His friendship goes above and beyond. After all, he humbled himself and took on the sin of every human being – those who lived before his time, those who lived during his time, and those of us who live today – by laying down his life for us all. Through him, we are eternally connected to friends around the globe.
Jesus, what a friend we have in you! Your friendship carries us through each day. Thank you for loving us unconditionally and for the abundant favour you pour over us. Your grace is immeasurable. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks that Jesus calls us ‘friend’ and that his love for us is unconditional
We pray that we may have another successful remote learning period
We pray for the vulnerable people in our community and ask that God would protect and comfort them
We pray for the Lin, Luu and Lyno families
From the Principal
From the Principal
Remote Learning 2.0
With cases of COVID-19 remaining at a high level, schools across Melbourne have been instructed to enter into another stage of remote learning. This decision was not what staff, parents or students wanted to hear, however it is a necessity if we are to keep our community members safe.
During the first remote learning period, the staff were diligent in providing quality learning experiences for the students while also maintaining a strong focus on the wellbeing of students and families. They remain committed to learning from past experiences so that they can provide an even better learning experience for our students.
The staff were very busy preparing for remote learning last week and have made a few changes to how students will learn at home. Here are some important reminders:
- All students must log on at 9am each school morning to take the roll
- Students must upload their work to the correct folder on Showbie for the teacher to check
- On Thursdays, students will choose activities from the ‘Choose your own Adventure Thursday’ pack and upload their activities to the correct folder
- Daily exercise is vital for good health and wellbeing
- Complete the work set by teachers each day
- Read the feedback given
- Edit and resubmit work when necessary
We are very pleased with the enthusiasm and engagement the students have demonstrated during the first week of remote learning. Please remember, students are expected to:
The staff wish all the students and families God’s strength and mercy during this uncertain time.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are looking at the features of 3D shapes.
You can help by asking us to find basic 3D shapes around the house and identify what they are.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning to write interesting narratives by building on a given starter or introduction. You can help by giving an introduction to a story and asking your child to build on it.

Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we are learning how to follow a procedure text! You can help at home by letting us help you cook with a recipe, or even giving us some instructions or directions to follow!

Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have started a new topic on angles. We walked around our houses and found every different type of angle. Ask us to name them all for you!