From the Principal
Child Safety
The school’s Student Representative Council work hard throughout the year to organise and run many events for the students to be involved in. Recently the SRC organised the school’s special Multicultural Day celebrations. The funds that were raised are being donated to World Vision to support less fortunates children around the world
However the role of the SRC is not confined to fundraising events. One of the main tasks the SRC undertook last year was to develop and write a child friendly version of the school’s Child Safe Policy. During the process, there was an incredible amount of discussion and thought that went into writing the policy. The SRC decided to present the policy in the form of a booklet which features student artwork. A copy of the policy is attached to this newsletter.
This year, the SRC will be working on producing a child friendly version of the school’s Code of Conduct. We hope to have this document available for students to access during this year.
We thank the members of the SRC for their dedication to serving the school in many different ways and for taking responsibility for raising awareness about child safety in the school.`