From the Principal
From the Principal

School Values
The school has four core values that we have chosen to be a focus for all members of our community. These values, chosen from the Lutheran Education values, fit with our school culture.
Service involves selfless giving, loving others and making a difference in their lives by identifying and responding to their needs, individually and collectively, and carrying out that.
Courage is the strength of heart that enables people to stand up for their convictions to do the right thing, even when it is hard or fearful. It involves being firm of spirit despite the ups and downs of life and it means ‘having a go’ even when success is uncertain.
Having compassion is being loving and attending to people’s innermost needs. It is exercising the ability to reach out, to walk in another’s shoes, to be open and responsive to the needs and concerns of others and being active in caring for others.
Forgiveness is breaking the cycle of un-grace, pardoning the wrongs others have done to us and seeking pardon for the wrongs we have done to others. Forgiveness often comes with pain and can involve stepping over our hurt. Forgiveness releases both ourselves and others, enabling new starts and new beginnings, another chance.